Years ago I found myself weighing 250 pounds, still squeezing rolls of fat in the belly, and the right at all displeased with me in the mirror. Personally, I know what it's like to suck your stomach and wonder what it would be like to be crushed. Now, my work as a fat loss and fitness expert allows me to use my knowledge and empathy to train many clients and help them achieve incredible success in reaching its white body in my boot camps. It takes hard work and a lot of training. It has been proven time and again, the best training program to lose fat and gain muscle groups active muscle mass, like many around the body as quickly as possible. While interval training is by far the best protocol to use during a workout to build muscle and lose fat, compound movements efficiently provide total body workouts and give you an incredible surge of investment in one year.
Compound movements or combination lifts combine two or more movements performed uninterrupted and in succession in one year. For example, take two familiar exercises. The squat, which is known for packing purposes blasting fat and muscle mass. Now throw in a shoulder press and squat press up / has more body and becomes absolutely ruthless. In short, explosive compound movements burn fat and increase lean muscle mass, and activate more muscles in a short period of time. Prioritize your personal workouts compound movements such as the place of the single joint exercises to supposedly "isolate a muscle" and your good to go. Remember that the body energy of the reaction:
↑ muscles involved "(↑ ↑ + calories building muscle recovery)" ↑ ↑ + fat gain muscle loss
Time of confession. I have a love-hate relationship with exercises like this. The love for the ridiculous results they provide to the loss of fat, muscle, and packaging. Hate because they turn the voices in my head saying, "Do you really need to do this?" And wonder if I am lying in a pool of sweat or tears every time.
At the moment you say "Go ahead. I sell. What are those crazy years, I have to do now?" Lift the veil of uncertainty. Here is my list of 10 officers world's most popular exercises to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass (in no particular order):
Exercise 1 - Power Clean + Thruster Combo - Kettlebells, dumbbells, bands or sandbag
Exercise 2 - The Swing - Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Med Balls, or Sandbags
Exercise 3 - Alternating Slot + Curl to Press
Exercise 4 - climber Push-ups - or Valslide body weight
Exercise 5 - Lumberjack - Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Med Balls, bands or sandbag
Exercise 6 - Kettlebell or dumbbell Fragments
Exercise 7 - Turkish Get-Up Dumbbell Chest Press + arm
Exercise 8 - Burpee with shoulder press
Exercise 9 - Med Ball Snatch-Slam Combo
Exercise 10 - one leg RDL + Row - Kettlebell or dumbbell
Use my advice take their training by introducing these 10 powerful compound exercises used in training camps to work the entire body. It guarantees the best results in less time constantly use these movements in your workouts. Of course, it is ultimately up to you to do what it takes to make your training and your body to the next level!
Lou Kristopher, CSCS, RKC is a Walnut Creek coach and expert staff in the transformation of the organization that helps clients discover their best shape ever by burning pounds of unwanted body fat and gain muscle with the techniques Cutting the formation of the ridge. Qualify for free one week camp in the body's energy by visiting . Class =